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A Night in the Theatre

By Lawrence Casler

Heritage Theatre Company

August 30-31, 2019

Margaret and Stanley Locker and their friends, Donna and Walter Pace, are at the theatre for their weekly dose of culture. This week's ordeal is Hamlet. After they seat themselves with some confusion, the play consists of their incessant and hilarious chatter about themselves, their children, a dead friend and even occasionally Shakespeare's play. Secrets emerge and friendships unravel amid the audiences's laughter. You may even recognize these rude playgoers as the obnoxious people who sometimes sit behind you.

Margaret Locker: Jen Glynn
Stanley Locker: Eric Redmon
Donna Pace: Katy Papineau
Walter Pace: Ryan Flynn
Director/Properties Designer: Mike Frale
Stage Manager: Natalia Bednarczyk
Scenic Designer/Technical Director: Andrew Nelsen
Costume Designer: Melissa Crabtree
Lighting Designer: Eric Redmon
Sound Designer: Lauren Finnegan
Photographer: Mike Frale

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